
.NET Visual Studio 2017 with .NET Core 2 and .NET Standard 2.0 feature highlights

.NET Core 2.0 is a  cross-platform, open source framework which is now available with latest Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 release. It is much-improved version as compared to its previous version i.e Net Core 1.0  and much faster and well versed with new functionalities and a lot of API support. Let's check out what's new with .NET Core 2.0

Well, you may be too curious about the new features provided by Microsoft and Community in .NET Core 2.0, as we are all aware of now that .NET Core is now open source and it has gained a lot of inputs from different Technology giants like Samsung, RedHat, Unity, Google and other communities like CoreFx, Ryjuit etc.All of this community have contributed to making .NET Core 2.0 as one of the most powerful frameworks to date.

Folks let me give you a small insight of latest features from .NET Core 2.0 along with new .NET Standard 2.0, Importance of .NET Standard 2.0 and new .NET Editor changes which came in with Visual 2017

 New .NET Core 2.0 Features

  •  The .Net Core 2.0 is the fastest version of the .NET till date 

Microsoft has claimed .NET Core 2.0 as the best and powerful framework which has been developed to date, .NET Core 2.0 has tremendously improved hardware performance, improved memory utilization and much faster as compared to their peers.
.NET Core 2.0 is successfully tested for handling around 20000 request per second which is much faster as compared to that of Node.js.

  •   Loaded with More APIs  
             .Net Core 2.0 is now back with a lot of more API's as early version seems to have the drawback of missing lot of old API's such as for example DataSets, Datatables however, in .NET Core 2.0 developers will be again provided with the old DataSet and other third-party Apis. 

It will much easier to develop applications with ReactJS or Angular JS with the huge set of API around 20K API which will cater to developing the great product and enhanced user experience.

  • New and Improved .NET tooling System   
 As a part of  Visual Studio 2017 there has been the lot of improvements in areas such as Unit Testing, Code Analysis, Great Editor Experience, Improved Exception handling and debugging. I will be sharing all this in the future part. A lot of exciting features are added in Visual Studio 2017 which will make development a great experience.

  • Improvements in Terms of SDK
       1) .NET Framework NuGet packages can be referred by .NET Core and .NET Standard projects. 

       2)  .NET Core 1.0 used dotnet restore command to restore the required packages for the current Application, In .NET Core 2.0  no more dotnet restore command is used to restore the missing packages, .NET Core 2 will automatically take care of the packages while building the application. dotnet restore is now an implicit function.

       3)  The .NET Core SDK can be built from source with the source-build repo.

  • Introduction to .NET Standard 2.0

.Net Standard can be termed as Specifications for .NET which means .NET platform should implement the .NET Standard 2.0


  • Well this is the interesting fact which I found will be lot helpful for developers in keeping their code Standard from one platform to another with help  of .NET   Standard 2.0
  •  All the API's from different platforms are present in .NET Standard 2.0 which means that an App developed in Xamarin could be moved to .NET Core 2 and from Core to .NET Mac. 
  • Your Code would be completely free from the platform dependency and could be moved easily which would save a lot of time from rewriting of the code. One of the best and the cool feature I believe :)
  • Well moving ahead now let's have a look at the improvements made in context with respect toooo.... let's check it out
Changes in .NET Tooling and Editor with respect to Visual Studio 2017

1) Support for LIVE Unit Testing and Code Coverage

This is one of the fantastic features which has been in Introduced in Visual Studio 2017, the developer can get the live analysis of code coverage and also the visual view of whether each and every line of the code is getting passed or covered in the Live Unit Test.

Listed are the feature of Live Unit Testing
  •  Maintain quality and Test coverage as you Code
  •  Automatic Test Execution
  •  Visualize Code Coverage in IDE

Let me take you through some of the important snapshots of the Visual Studio 2017

  • Live Unit Test 

 In the Figure you can see there is a Live test which is currently running on the code.
 The Code marked with green tick is the code which is getting covered under the live test

The Code which is marked in the red cross is the code which has to fail a test either it has a single or multiple tests failing for the code.

  • Automatic property initialization and creation of property inside the method.

In the figure below, while typing a new parameter in the method of the Type Direction, the editor is suggesting for an option to add a property inside the method. 

This would help in saving a lot of time for the developer and also would help in maintaining the code integrity and help in solving improper parameter setting issues.

Also, there is an additional feature which helps in providing suggestion to do a null check for the initialized property, these are very interesting enhancements which would help the developer in building a proper and accurate functionality.

  • Improved and Simple Exception Handling Display

Exception Window is much more simplified, in the earlier version developer used to search for entire Exception Stack Trace in order to find the important error.


     Note in the Above exception window the first information lets the developer directly know the reason why the exception is getting occurred in the code.

Secondly, more flexibility has been added in order to show which variable is null, this was not existing in the earlier version, also Copy Details link is also present which would help in copying the Exception to the ClipBoard.

  • Include the file directly in the solution by pasting the file into solution Folder

A very unique feature which was lacking in the earlier solution framework was finally addressed in the new Visual Studio 2017.

In order to copy a file from different location into the solution and to use that file in the solution, developers used to copy the file from one location and paste the file in to the desired solution folder, once the file is pasted developer need to go the IDE and click "Show All files" button which would show the newly pasted file, but still the problem is the file is not included directly in to solution, yet developer needs to right click and then there is an option to "Include the File in the Solution" in order to include the file in to the solution.

Well, this had been addressed finally and the developer now just needs to just paste the file into the desired solution folder and file would automatically get displayed in the Visual Studio Solution file in  IDE.

Other features that are integrated with Vs 2017 are as follows

-  Short and Sweet csproj.config 
-  editorconfig introduction to define our own project specific rules
-  improved code merging and code indentation.

Please find the Full Demo below in the Video

Well, these were some of the enhanced features for upcoming .NET enhancement I will keep you posted and updated feel free to reach out for any queries, you can reach out to me through my mailId or post the comment if you have any queries.

Hey, Folks than you so much for reading the Article! Hope this Article would have helped in understanding the new .NET Core 2.0 along with .NET Standard 2.0 features and Visual Studio 2017 Enhancements. 

Please feel free share and comment!!! Have a good day...

 Thank you once again for reading :)

Youtube: Microsoft Channel

Important .Net MVC question for Experience 5 to 8 years

My title
Please go through the Dot Net Interview questions for the experienced professionals having 5 to 8 years of experience.

Usually, Interviewer would start from your current project asking you to explain your current project and the technologies used in the project.

Please make sure you update your resume such that you specify the technology that you thoroughly have worked on or revised before the interview.

Please go through the interview question below:

.Net MVC Questions

1. What is DotNet MVC? Explain Lifecycle of MVC? 

Ans : 
MVC stands for Model View Controller.

Model: Model consists of the details related to entity which needs to pass in
between View and the Controller.

View: View represents the layout of the page.

Controller: Controller handles the request from the user, redirects the request to the desired action and returns the result.

Life Cycle of MVC;
Any web application has two phases one is Request and other is response

1) User requests the page URL.

2) On fresh Request, Route.config is filled in global.asax file and the route collection is created to fill route table. It consists of all the routes required in the application.

3) Depending on the URL requested the URL routing module determines Route object which contains which route will invoke which action method this helps in creating the Request Context object.

4) Request Object is sent to the MVC handler which in turn executes the Execute method for the current Request.

5) Once the Execute method is fired desired Action method is called using ControllerActionInvoker according to the Rout Object definition.

6) Once the Action is called the Business Logic is processed and the results are returned in the form of JSONResult, FileResult or ViewResult.

is the RouteConfig used for? Can unwanted route be excluded from RouteConfig, if yes then how the route can be excluded?

Ans: RouteConfig class holds the Default route that used in the application. Developer can also 
define other custom routes in the RouteConfig class

protected void Application_Start()
public class RouteConfig
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new 
                controller = "Home", 
                action = "Index", 
                id = UrlParameter.Optional

3) What is Controller in MVC?

Ans: Controller process the incoming requests, handle user input and interactions and execute appropriate execution logic.

As seen in the example below Controller is suffixed with the nameController in the End, Note it is important to End the Controller with the suffix "Controller" such that the MVC recognizes the method as the Controller Eg: HomeController, InventoryController etc.
public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

        return View();

    public ActionResult About()
        return View();

4) What is Model in MVC?
Ans: Model object represents the part of the application that handles the domain logic or the business logic, Model handles the data that is passed from View to the Controller or from Controller to view. The Model carries the value of the Entity(Class) that needs to be communicated between the View and the Controller.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace MvcSimpleModelBinding.Models
    public class Person
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public string Street { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }
        public string State { get; set; }
        public int Zipcode { get; set; }

4) Explain what are views in MVC and different View that you have used in MVC?
Ans: View represents the presentation layer for the Applications. View renders the UI for that data 
that is passed by the Controller Action to the View.

The view should not contain business logic or database logic, it should be purely used for the UI representation of the Entity.

There are different types of View
1) View Page
2) Partial View
3) Shared View or Master Page View

1) View Page 

This is inherited from View page BaseClass to create a normal view page in MVC application. 
View page can be created using.

There are two different types of view strongly typed view and Dynamic View.
a) Strongly Typed View:

1) In Strongly typed view, Model gets passed into the view.
2) Any changes made to the model, View will get refreshed automatically with the new changes.
3) Benefits of Strongly Typed view is your we will be strongly Typed with a particular Model.

@model StudenModel 
    ViewBag.Title = "Student";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_StudentHome.cshtml";

b) Dynamic View:
1) Dynamic view is the view created using the Dynamic object.
In the Dynamic view, the Type(Class) is not predefined in the application.

@model Dynamic
    ViewBag.Title = "Student";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_StudentHome.cshtml";

ViewBag is a dynamic type, if  ViewBag is used as a property holder in the View, then that View act as Dynamic View.

2) Partial View 

A Partial View is a view which gets loaded into another view, this view can be loaded into any calling view as a part of that view.

Partial view works as UserControl used to work in Asp.Net Web Forms. It prevents rewriting of a UI component that needs to be used within the multiple Views.


@section Tabs

In the above example, a Partial View _TabsHealth.cshtml is created in the mentioned path. This Partial View is called as a part of another view where the content of _TabsMyHealth.cshtml need
to be shown on the page.

In order to show the UI content of _TabsMyHealth.cshtml, a section/ placeholder @section Tabs is created in the calling View Page. Similarly, the Partial View page can be called in any other view which requires this section to be seen in that particular View.

3) Shared View or Master Page View 

Shared View is the View Page which acts as the MasterPage in the Asp.Net Web Forms. But it is quite different as compared to traditional MasterPage.

Shared View needs to be placed inside the Shared folder of the MVC folder structure so that it is available to all the Views.

Also, a section of code needs to included in the View page in order to associate the view with the 
required Master Page.

Find the code as follows:

@model Dynamic
    ViewBag.Title = "Student";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_StudentHome.cshtml";

5) Explain the Different types of Action Result in MVC?

Ans: Different types of Action Results are as follows

Action Result
Helper Method
Renders a view as a Web page.
Renders a partial view, which defines a section of a view that can be rendered inside another view.
Redirects to another action method by using its URL.
Redirects to another action method.
Returns a user-defined content type.
Returns a serialized JSON object.
Returns a script that can be executed on the client.
Returns binary output to write to the response.
Represents a return value that is used if the action method must return a null result (void).
6) What are Action Filters and what is the use of Action Filter?
Ans:  An Action filter is an attribute that can be applied above the entire controller or on top of the particular Action method.
The ASP.NET MVC framework includes several action filters:
  • OutputCache – This action filter caches the output of a controller action for a specified amount of time.
  • HandleError – This action filter handles errors raised when a controller action executes.
  • Authorize – This action filter enables you to restrict access to a particular user or role.


public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

        return View();

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace MvcApplication1.ActionFilters
     public class LogActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute

          public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
               Log("OnActionExecuting", filterContext.RouteData);       

          public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
               Log("OnActionExecuted", filterContext.RouteData);       

          public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
               Log("OnResultExecuting", filterContext.RouteData);       

          public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
               Log("OnResultExecuted", filterContext.RouteData);       

          private void Log(string methodName, RouteData routeData)
               var controllerName = routeData.Values["controller"];
               var actionName = routeData.Values["action"];
               var message = String.Format("{0} controller:{1} action:{2}", methodName, controllerName, actionName);
               Debug.WriteLine(message, "Action Filter Log");


7) What is the order in which ActionFilters get Executed?

Ans: The order in which the filters are executed are as follows

        1) Authorization filters
        2) Action filters
        3) Result filters
        4) Exception filters

All the above filters have OnExecuting and OnExecuted method which can be used to handle certain events based on the filter types.



For the details you can refer the below link:

8) What is NoAction filter and where can it be used?
Ans: This is the action filter attribute, used to indicate this method of the controller is not an Action method.

public ActionResult About()
 ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
 return View();

Tips to crack Interview for freshers

My title
Are you the one who is freshly out of college, the one who is searching for his/her destination in the crowd of graduates. If you are the one who is up for his next level of the challenge then here are some of the interesting tips which would help you in earning the job immediately once you are out of college.

It is always difficult to find a job if you are freshly graduated since you are always bombarded with question like

1) Do you have any experience on the desired field? 

2) Where do you look your future down the line after few years in this field?

3) How will you rate yourself in the corresponding field?

4) What are the skills you have worked on?

To name these are the few questions especially for technical individuals as in my case I felt it very difficult to answer. As I was freshly graduated I never had any industrial experience and even anyone to guide and was very difficult to meet the level of expectations from interviewers.

Following are the few tips which you need to take care before attending your Interviews.

1. Don't be nervous

2. Knowledge & Preparation

3. Language (Soft Skills)

4. Answering the Questions

5. Confidence

6. Showcasing the skillset (Presentation)

7. The Job Offer

So, let's have deep a dive to each of the points stated above. Understanding this points will allow you to develop your soft skills as well as build your confidence.

Like other fresh graduates, even I used to hesitate in front of interview panel since I had never faced such things up till my graduation and one day suddenly, I am in a room with highly skilled professional locked up in a silent meeting room. The environment got me totally perplexed and the preparation which I had done from last one month was lost.  I was totally confused and had no idea what to speak up. Even for the introduction, I started stammering and which made my interview worse ahead. I was nervous throughout the interview as I was not confident even if I was prepared for so long.

  • Don't be Nervous

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself” 
– inspirational words used in the inaugural address of Franklin D Roosevelt

Nervousness is the biggest enemy which we face during the interview. Studies reveal that even if you have practiced the stuff lot of times be it an interview, acting or presentation, with a blink of an eye you will forget everything.

Nervousness has a direct impact on the thinking process, your hands will start shivering, you will feel like sweating and you will be completely traumatized. All your efforts which you have taken to clear the interview would be wasted.

Before Interview - 

The best way to overcome nervousness is to face or create the situation you fear and practice the same. Create the whole scenario with your friends/Parents and ask them to act as an Interviewer, ask them to provide the feedback, Take the feedback seriously and act on them. 

During Interview - 

"Don't think anything". Yes, you got it right, I said don't think anything during the interview. This is one of the largest mistakes done by people instead of hearing and thinking the questions asked by the interviewer, individuals think what should have been the answer to the last question which I fumbled up, Dude !!!  No, you can't think or you will goof up the current question in this way you will loose both the questions and will get confused.

Just answer the questions you heard from the interviewer. I would be covering how to answer the question in the point 4 (Answering the questions) below.

So, the solution is you can ask the interviewer whether you can answer the question you have fumbled at the end of that round.

Lastly, take a deep breath, have a little conversation with interviewer it will help you in gaining the confidence over your nervousness. Yes, please have a sensible conversation.
  • Knowledge and Preparation
The Knowledge is one of the crucial aspects to work in any field, knowledge is one of the building blocks of the best career. It's very important to know about the work or the career you are about to start. Despite being graduated from Computers, Pharmaceuticals or Chemical Engineers, the process that is carried out in the industry is a lot different as what we have studied in the School and colleges.

Following are the ways you can prepare yourself:

A) For freshers, it would be great if they get an internship with any Organisation/ Company related to their field. It would help in gaining a lot of industry-level knowledge. 

B) In case if you fail to find internship with good organization you can go for a start-up organisation, pay/salary might not be so great but working with a start-up would be much fruitful for your career, not only you will be good in knowledge with respect to your work, also you will learn to take over the roles & responsibilities related to your very quickly.

C) Finding the fried or the colleague who wants to work in the same field you would like to is also helpful, or learn from the senior who are already into the industry, they would have a better knowledge and may teach you the industrial standards.

D) Preparing for the interview itself is an art even the person with good knowledge sometimes fails to crack the interview because every interviewer expects some sort of personality they want to fit in their role. So only knowledge would not be helpful, they would look many other qualities like a problem solver, work under pressure or good presentation skills.

E) Each job has its own requirements like for e.g. Chartered Accountant you should be good in mathematics, for the technical jobs you should be good in different programming languages and technology, also depends on the type of job you are looking for prepare yourself accordingly.

F) You need to surf more and more on the internet for the field you like ahead to work on, this would help you in understanding and exploring the various path which would lead to your job.
  • Language & Personality (Soft Skills)
It always matters as it is quoted "First impression is your last impression"  you should give the best impression to the recruiter so that it would catch his mind and present him that you are the ideal candidate or the competitor for the position held in their organization.

Following are the behavioral tips:

  • Arrive on time for the interview it's very important you cannot be late it's not acceptable.
  • Be soft spoken don't scream, talk politely and decently
  • Don't overtalk answer the question that has been asked to you do not try to give the extra information
  • Don't talk out of the subject matters it would create a bad impression
  • Ask your questions in the end 
  • Don't create a gap in between keep talking, sometimes some recruiters knowingly keep quiet they would rather like to observe you and your reaction Don't get irritated and annoyed if you feel that you have done with your answer you just politely inform the interviewer this is what you know about this question. 
Personality Tips:
  • Don't wear a dark colored office shirt/tops (Black coat is an exception) or an eye catcher shirt/tops, I am talking about shirts/ tops over here, wear a light shirt/top (office formals)
  • Completely avoid jeans and T-shirts, you need to be in formals if you are approaching for an interview.
  • Have your shirts tucked in.
  • You do not need to look beautiful/handsome you just need to be dressed formally.
  • The way you sit during the interview also matters, sit straight with your hands on your lap, avoid sitting with folded legs it's not a good posture if you are getting interviewed.

  • Answering the Question

This is the most important part of our article this would inform you that how can you start with your interview, what are the pieces of information that you should share to keep the conversation going on. It's really important to keep the conversation going on as well as keep the interviewer engaged and interested in your profile. It's a trick, not everyone can implement the same, it's like selling a product while selling the product you need to praise the product until it gets sold, same works with the interview.

Let's take a look at what are the information you can start with and what would be the real life scenario.

So you are sitting in an interview room surrounded by the interviewer obviously not surrounded, may be sitting in front of you. Either of you guys doesn't know each other, so the question is who would start first.

So the interviewer would ask you to brief yourself. 

Interviewer: Hey Ravi, Good morning, I have your resume so you are a fresher, can you brief me about yourself.

Most of the candidate are nervous at this time they start giving their introduction, and start stammering immediately because of which they say wrong sentences or improper introduction which would reduce their marks straight away? So the question is what is that you should do?

Please find the key points below: 

1) Personal Introduction
   a) Your name, the place you live.

   b) An introduction to your family.

   c) Your studies and the subject you were good at or something you were good at.
        (Note: Don't worry if you  were good at nothing, please make up the things and say it absolutely doesn't matter)
   d) Your hobbies and the things you do during the Past time.
This information would take around 5 minutes or more and you will feel little comfort while talking once this session is over, make yourself comfortable with the interviewer.

2) Professional Introduction
     a) As you are a fresher you may have limited skills, but try and prove them you have all the skills
that is a need for the empty position.

     b) Introduce them to the college projects and your solo projects/ works that you have done on the field in which you are interested in working.

     c) Demonstrate your Freelancing work/project if there is any it would add to your experience and your resume would outstand many others.

     e) If you have done any of the leading or organizing activities at your college level you can also demonstrate it as it would be a added advantage for you.

The profession introduction would be the starting point of the interview which the interviewer would hear carefully, please do not provide a false information if you have genuinely done some project them present them or it would be the reason for your rejection.

3) Different Interview Rounds

There are different types of round in Interview depends on the type of job you are looking for

Process/ methodology may differ from one type of job to other. Like for example If you are looking for a job of Software Programmer you would be bombarded with the questions related to programming or how to create a simple web page etc, or suppose if you are going for the designation of sales analyst then interviewer would ask you to sell their product, they interested in knowing how would you sell the product.

But you need to be prepared for these rounds either by practicing at home or with friends or parents as stated above it would help you in boosting up your confidence.

There are many different types of interview round such as Technical Interview, Telephonic Interview, Group discussion, Case Interview, HR Interview etc.

Each of this round would be related to the skills which you have practiced earlier or related to your studies, you should be very good in presenting the skills to the interviewer, not very good but at least interviewer should understand what you are trying to explain, be clear and precise on the points which you are trying to explain to the interviewer I have explained the Presentation in the point below.

  • Confidence

Someone have rightly said that "Confidence is the Key", everyone likes to work with the confident person and the interviewer alway selects the person who is most confident and suitable for their vacant position.

The way to build the confidence is to practice the skills/skillset, Practice and hardworking is the only way you can build your confidence, If you have the knowledge you will be more confident than rest of the competitors.

All these words Confidence, Hard Work, and Talent are intermingled with each other, you cannot have one without the other. 

The confident answers help to set you aside and make a mark in the interviewer's mind so that he will easily recognize you as the ideal candidate for the job they are offering.

  • Showcasing the skillset (Presentation)

Another important skill is the Presentation of your knowledge, now you have all the confidence, talent, skill and hard work on your plate, now the time comes to present in front of the interviewer.

But what if you present it wrongly and the interviewer doesn't understand anything, you will be out of the race no use of hard work and practice everything will go in vain.

It's equally important to present properly what you have learned and achieved from your hard work so that to the one whom you are presenting should understand the stuff thoroughly.

Try to give more and more examples of your work and the skills it would help the recruiter in understanding your strength.

Demonstrate your strong areas with the best results from them.

Provide your own methodology to solve the issues.

If you are not sure about the answer speak some related stuff so that it would help interviewer understand that you can improve on this area if you are given a chance to work on it.

  • The Job Offer

Now finally after a lot of hard work Pappu passed in the interview and now the discussion is going on for the offer, it is very crucial don't be over excited until and unless you have an offer letter in hand you are not selected.

I have seen a lot of organizations taking advantage of freshers graduates ask them to pay money and join the organization which is a completely wrong process of hiring and its also a crime. 
"Do not ever join organizations which ask money to give you a job offer", these are fraud organizations they just collect money from you and would not give promising career, or you would give some silly work which would spoil your future. Please do hard work and try to crack the interviews genuinely it would not only make you strong performer and also you will land a good career opportunity which will help you to grow.

Back to Job offer, so friends as you are fresher you have very little scope to negotiate as you do not have any work experience, but even if you feel that the pay is too lower than the Standard  pay please explain the concern to the employer/organization and ask them for the desired pay, or if you are not happy with the pay anyways you can hold the offer for the time being and search for another one ;)

Hope this tips will help you in your job hunt for finding the first ever Job in your life and make you very much the successful person in your career. Wish you the Good Luck :)

For any more queries, you can reach out me on my email Id for any help or share your resume with me, I will notify you in case if find some good opportunities for you.

Thanks and Regards,
Gunaprasad Shetty